Friday, November 7, 2008

The Chain of a Dark Thought Process in a Born Optimist

Fact: I am unemployed.

Feeling: As though I were enmeshed in a small, tightly-woven, intractable net of stasis.

Fact: Definition of stasis - state of inactivity; stagnation.

Feeling: Fog of darkness settles in the frontal lobe, resulting in the deliberate act of spooning several heaps of ice cream into a large bowl, topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream, several liquid lines of chocolate syrup, and 1/4 cup of finely chopped walnuts.

Fact: Walnuts are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain manganese, copper, and tryptophan.

Feeling: Blissful satiation followed by bloated fullness followed by drowsy introspection.

Fact: Rumination over the word stagnation. Rumination over stagnation's antonyms, such as development, advancement, and progress.

Feeling: Approaching alertness.

Fact: Generally, as the digestion process winds down, blood flow to the brain improves and restores mental agility.

Moment of A-ha! Illumination: Considering Newton's laws of physics, and specifically the third law (for every action there is a reaction), it follows that it would be scientifically impossible for me to remain in my state of stasis forever, i.e., unemployment. Thus, following the logic of the third law, and given my heavy investment in writing cover letters, scouring job boards, and networking with everyone around me including the elderly lady walking her dog along the trail by the creek near my house, at a yet to be determined moment in time I will receive the Holy Grail of job seekers everywhere: a job offer.

Post moment of A-Ha! Illumination feeling: Hope springs eternal in the cockles of my heart! And suddenly the feeling of wanting to run over pedestrians, pre-ice cream binge, is gone.


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