Monday, October 27, 2008

All Aboard!

What is it about this process that reminds me of a film noir nightmare? Why is Bogart walking by in his trench coat and hat? Did Hitchcock just signal to the conductor? Am I in a train station?

~Start Scene~

A shrill whistle pierces the station's layer of commotion. The stale air of the station is being strangled by humidity. Desperately, while you are choking for air, you pray that it rains, even inside the train. Finally, the suspense disappears and elation arrives as the Metro liner departs. Where is the train going? Good question.

Transitions are rarely easy and never stress free. The transition from a poor student to an employed adult is a bit like getting on a train ride. You know that one of the stops is yours, but you're not sure where your journey will end. You think you know the name of the stop. It begins with ‘P’ or ‘B’ or maybe it is a ‘D’ and the name of the stop is just out of reach and has a couple of syllables. But if you hear the name, it will come to you, and you will know where to stop, hopefully. The end point could be in 15 minutes or 15 hours, if only you could plan.

The stakes are high, not to put too much pressure on this situation. At whatever stop you disembark, that location will shape your daily thoughts, determine the people you meet, affect your career, and change your life. It is anxiety producing for sure. What will the destination be like, whenever you finally arrive? Will it be cold? Rainy? Metropolitan? Rural? Exhilarating? Due to the anticipation, you are torn between enjoying the scenic ride and worrying about of the unknown destination.

When boarding the train, you chose the first safe spot to sit and relax. The seat is fine, a little graffiti and grime but not too dirty and thankfully there is nothing sticky on the seat. A bit later, the seat becomes harder and shifting your weight makes it more tolerable. Yet, a rank smell is emanating from somewhere, source is unseen. The once highly anticipated journey is losing its luster and the tedium grows stronger.

The ride is a growing uncomfortable and long, if only you knew how long it was until the ride will be over. The low grind of the motor is growing irritatingly louder. There is the iPod but if you put it on, you might not hear the name of the stop. There is space in the back of the train that is spacious and has a window open for fresh air. The seat taunts you. If you moved you might be rude. Nice people surround, polite and helpful strangers, but it seems the fates are in charge of the destination.

So, today your fate is to sit on the train, enjoy the ride, and curse others who reach their destination. Not sure when it will arrive, be patience and wait. Next could be your stop.

~End Scene~

Soon, the nightmare will be taken over by Capra and Stewart will find his happy ending. Just make sure I am awake.


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