Thursday, September 25, 2008

About Us

And there we were, professionals, earning a paycheck (which we later learned in accounting can be referred to as positive cash flow), handing off projects at work, procuring boxes anywhere we could find them, selling furniture, and facing the reality of packing up a life and shifting on to a new adventure. Mostly, though, we were imagining our new lives as graduate students.

And now here we are, graduated, with an MBA tucked in our back pockets, and looking...for...a...job. (On positive days we might say we are searching for careers, but let's face it: in a tough economy we just want to be able to pay for our lives).

This is a rather unique time in our lives, what with just having completed a very fulfilling, arduous at times, extremely social MBA program, and re-focusing on entering the professional world knowing more about how the business world works and our roles in it (right now, considering the possible bailout and general fragile state of the economy, as Julia says: We know a little too much about what this means...). So there are good days, and there are bad days. And we are here to document them.

Happy reading!